We take five minutes to get to know the exciting new addition to the Milsom Place family, Bandook Indian Kitchen, and its owner Moe Rahman a little better…
Describe your business in a nutshell
A modern Indian, street food restaurant.
Why do you do what you do?
Being a restaurateur, I’ve long been passionate about what I do and seeing customers leave with a smile on their face after they’ve dined gives me immense joy.
After work, you can find me…
At home, spending time with my family, especially my little daughter.
If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
To be as committed as possible in what they want to do and not waste time.
If you could give your younger self any piece of advice, what would it be?
You’ll have disappointments and make mistakes. But you’ll also learn from them and be better than ever.
If I had an extra hour in the day I would…
I love to learn about restaurants and what’s happening in the world of the restaurant trade.
Your go-to dinner destination in Bath…
Home to my wife’s lamb chop curry!
You’ve got 24 hours to spend in Bath, what’s on your hit list?
I’d love to explore Bath more with my family and go for relaxing walks in the park.
Describe your most memorable culinary experience
My mum’s French toast. Just so heavenly.
Insider tip for visiting Bath?
Milsom Place and the hidden treasure trove of lovely shops, of course!